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They are saying it's safe until it isn't. When is the election?

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I’m guessing they were detected by PCR test? And how were the primers created for the PCR test? Did they have a sample or was it created by computer model? Are any of the primers of the PCR test for bird flu also present in normal bovine protein? That would explain positive PCR test for bird flu in pasteurized milk. While you’re at it, test a papaya, a goat, tap water, and Pepsi

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They are market testing the fear factor. If no one reacts they will drop it.

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Using a PCR test? PCR?

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This is fake. Viruses are fake. Wait till they start using fake PCR tests to pump fear into the public.

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If there’s bird flu in cows or milk, we can assume they are cooking it up in their labs again.

That didn’t just happen to happen. 😡

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I cannot bring myself to believe or trust anything coming out of FDA, CDC or USDA. The problem with this is that I have absolutely no idea what to believe. I have a B.S. and I find it improbable, but not impossible, that bird flu is in milk. But I don’t know what I don’t know, so maybe it is? All I’m 100% sure of is that the gov. Agencies are filled with people who couldn’t get a job elsewhere, and I don’t believe anything “they” say.

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