Do you want to know how I really feel about this? I will tell you.

With laws like that, I'd never live in Austria ! That is absolutely ridiculous. Nothing should be mandated. The government should not force anything on anyone. I don't know if that's communism or even worse.

I can't take the vaccine and to be honest if I could, I never would . I build my immunity naturally and I've never had Covid and I've taken care of my parents with Covid a few times and also patients.

my parents do not take vaccines either as a choice 😉

I always tell people if you're immunocompromised stay home !

Obviously, one could feel condolences for the cancer patient that died however, if they were that compromised and they are, if they're doing chemo, something I would never do. There's another way to get beyond cancer than take something that kills every cell in your body? Cancer is big business billions of billions of dollars are made. But again, people have the freedom to choose how they want to care for their bodies.

I actually heard there was a cure for it, but wasn't being released, but it had something to do with apricots and crushing the seeds down. I'm sure there are other holistic alternatives.

I've heard of cases where people knowingly had HIV and were ticked off about it and went out and gave it others.. now that's definitely intentional . However, in this case and of course I don't know all the details and as we know, the legal system sucks.

There are people that are guilty that go free and there are people that are not guilty that go to prison.

If I were this person and I did end up in prison, as soon as I got out, I would leave that country ! If she did it intentionally then that's another story but it doesn't sound like she did.

The person for running for vice president foe the Dems -in his states, he had a hotline that people could call and turn their neighbors in. if they were diagnosed with Covid and walking outside or somewhere and not confined to their house. It's absolutely ridiculous!!!

When you have neighbors or others telling on other people that sounds like North Korea, China and I don't know if other countries do that or not .

People just need to use common sense . it's been proven and they've said it over and over the vaccine does NOT prevent Covid and it does NOT prevent Covid deaths- it absolutely does not. It is proven and that's that.

They also said that social distancing didn't help because 6 foot isn't enough.

If you really wanted to social distance because if someone sneezed depending on how hard the sneeze was, they can go out 12 feet and what about the particles floating in the air??

And the other lie was that masks work!

NO! they do not unless you have something that completely surrounds your nose/mouth not even an N 95 - only N 100 would do it and if you ever had one of those on, you can't breathe in to it for more than about three minutes

The other thing is you're holding in your CO2, which is making your body more acidic and it's also not helping your lungs. There was also a study done that showed breathing in the chemicals and the fibers that the masks are made of are actually damaging the lungs.

This whole Covid thing was nothing but about control and other things. I'm not saying there wasn't a virus - there was. We gave it to China through our military- come on let's get real.. They may have amped up with Spiker proteins or whatever but it doesn't matter.

I might've gone off the subject a little bit, but it got me thinking about these things and just the craziness going on in the world today.

If you are afraid to get sick, and/or you are immunocompromised, then stay home!

I have to add something to this because I just thought of it. So I took my mom to get some labs back around. I don't know if it's 2022 something like that.. this guy had his mask on and it's choice whether you wanna wear one or not. He walked up to me and he was pissed and he's like you're putting me at risk. I said I'm putting you at risk? like it's my fault that he has whatever he has that he has to wear a mask? I said to him, first off the mask you have on doesn't protect you and if you were trying to protect yourself, you would have a different kind of mask. Maybe you should have called the lab and asked for special considerations that need to be made. You should've contacted them and they could've brought you in at a certain time and you could've walked back out the door.... but there's people walking around with no masks on so why should everybody do what you want us to do and you're only one person? I thought this guy really had balls to even come up and address me with this. I even had scrubs on at the time. This is what the global government,the WHO and all the other organizations have got people going crazy!

To be honest, I think it's the amount of oxygen that they are not getting and the CO2 they are retaining by wearing masks especially if they're wearing the appropriate one.

Just saying 🤯

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Ever since I watched The Sound of Music as a kid in the 1960s, I've always considered Austria primarily as a place to get out of.

But the Austrians do make exceedingly good Sachertorte!


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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Does gross "negligent" homicide mean they don't have to prove intent, only that it happened? People transmit germs all the time. This case sets an awful precedent. I hope it will be overturned.

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