Jun 18Liked by Stephanie B.

Stephanie, The young cohort has been drinking crappy flavored fizzy water and retreating from fiber-rich diets for, literally, 40+ years. This is just like blaming everything but the mRNA injections for the massive Western world "unexplained" increase in all-cause mortality since 2021. The only factor that is temporally related to the surprising increase in colon CA (over decades of practice, I have not seen a case in anyone under 30 until the last three years) is the mRNA injections. But people are deliberately turning a blind eye.

This piece needs more Stephanie and less Hildegard...

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I hear you and actually thought about that as I was editing the piece, but I also think these types of diets are making people more prone to vaccine-induced turbo cancers.

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And here is the kind of science that explains why this is true, even if ignored by most: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141813024022323

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Jun 18Liked by Stephanie B.

I'm surprised they didn't mention anxiety and psychological disorders because they're blaming everything on these. I wouldn't trust a word, written or said, from any $cientist.

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The Idea Of A Virus

Is Itself A Virus.

Self- Replicating

In The Presence

Of A Susceptible Mind.

Until Proven

It’s Just An Idea After All.


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Jun 19Liked by Stephanie B.

I would like to understand why people say keep saying this. The existence of viruses has been proven since 1940 using electron microscope imaging. Childhood illnesses from polio and measles were common before the development of vaccines to combat them. Smallpox has been eradicated. If not a virus, then what causes the common cold, herpes, or viral hepatitis? Have scientists been in collusion about viruses for almost 100 years? I'm not fan of big pharma or mRNA technology, but I just want to grasp why this persists.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

because it hasn't been proven to their satisfaction.

taking pictures of something doesn't prove anything.

take for instance a cold sore, they say it is caused by herpes.... what if it tested positive for mpox with that pcr thing? is it now monkey pox instead of herpes?

correlation does not equal causation.

in theory plus or minus factors might cause disease....


disease = factor 1 plus factor 2 plus factor 3 minus factor A minus factor B.... etc.


i don't have a link for it, but via radio i heard of a husband and wife sleeping in the same bed on the Princess Cruise ship..... Husband got coid and died, the wife never did get covid on the ship. Is that how we were told viruses work, particularly a "new" never before seen virus?

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> Is that how we were told viruses work, particularly a "new" never before seen virus?

Some people are more susceptible to viruses than others. Just like some computer systems are more easily hacked. It does not follow that viruses don't exist just because they don't equally impact everyone the same exact way.

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Jun 20Liked by Stephanie B.

"never before seen by our immune systems", now that is an interesting question.

is that a myth too? apparently one immunologist, Sucharit Bhakdi:, thought the immune system for the far majority of us was NOT responding like it was new. BUT something that it had seen before, because the immune system in those people were responding too fast for it to be a "new" virus... again, i don't have a link, so not positive what he said and when he said that, i believe sometime in 2020.

it is certainly true that some people are more prone to illnesses then others.

the big question is to why? is it poverty? is it stress? what are all the factors?

probiotics, just to name one possible one. ( i can't remember the Dr Name that said that)

Denis Rancourt gave an interesting talk and says something about psychological stress and disease among other things...

he sites a study done to college students trying to get them sick... #1 factor was psychological stress


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btw.... one way to hack into a computer system and put in a virus is to over load the computer system....

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